Friday, November 21, 2008

Hapag ng Pag-asa by Joey Velazco

Hapag ng Pag-asa is a painting of Jesus Christ with a street children

The painting "Hapag ng Pag-asa" who painted by Joey Velazco, reminded her to her family, but lately it became a message to the country. It is a message to all that we have to save money, let's think of the hungry people, while we are wasting our money, many people are suffering because they can't eat 3 times a day. Also we have to appreciate and contented the food served at our table, it is a blessing and be thankful with it.Let us think deeply, we are so blessed that we can eat 3 times a day, let us think that we are so blessed that we don't have to beg in the street to ask some penny to the people. Let this painting us a reminder to us to think for those people...

How powerful is computer technology in media?

Computer techonology is powerful in media, because it is the one of the most powerful sources of information of people anywhere in the world.

How internet become a tool in media?

Internet become a tool in media because it is one of the sources of information of people, aside from newspapers, magazines, radio, television,etc.

Contribution of internet in the world of media

Internet makes the communication process more faster and easier. Through internet we can get all the information we need, especially to the students. We can also communicate our relatives and other people anywhere in the country. It can also entertain and relax. Its contribution to the media is by the means of information.Through internet media can easily gather a lot of information it need.

Symposium on the Mediatization of the Youth

Symposium on the Mediatization of the Youth
Speaker:Rev. Fr. Christian Buenafe, (OCD)

Media ia a part of communication process and the strongest man-made for that can
influence people. It has many forms, the print, broadcast, electronic, group, flok/traditional
and non-media.
Media creates culture and it shapes the landscape of our children's minds. Many prefer media as their ideology, perspective, lifestyle and a way of life. It has a big rule in shaping the
values and behavior not only for children but also for adult.
However, media has many uses, but it has a big effect especially to the youth who are the primary target of media. Children today are losing the sense of basic good manners. Some result to electronic violence and indifference. And nowadays some adult has increasingly come to mean dirty.